Saturday, October 13, 2007

A New Tea Room

I cannot tell you how excited I have been for the last two weeks. We were finally going to have tea room in our little town. I try to visit tea rooms whenever I go on a trip. Friends locally do the same. There are several tearooms within two hours or so of us, but nothing we can enjoy on a regular basis --- until now. Joy!! Joy!! Joy!!
So we went for lunch yesterday. Found out it was the day for the Ribbon Cutting and all the hoi-paloi were there along with the C of C and several other groups. Teas, scones, sweets, and a pasta dish buffet style. The tea was perfectly brewed ( I tried several types), the scones were heavenly (blueberry, apple, and {okay, not sure about the third}, and my friend said the pasta dish was really good. We sat, we talked, we enjoyed!! It was heavenly. Perfect!

Well, almost perfect. Okay, I am not hoi-paloi and the place was very 'elegant'. And it had an asian flair (even tho' they also sell reproduction antique french furniture). It just isn't my style. I have always wanted to open a Tea Room and sell teas and some antiques along with tea paraphenalia. That would be my dream. If I had had the money, I would have beat her to the punch, but......

We will go back when they are on a regular menu and see how they do. Our little town is ready for this now as we have many people relocated after Hurricane Katrina/Rita in 2005. I will watch and hope they are successful. Maybe that will be an omen for me in my even smaller town just across the river.

Good luck, Tea Room.

Friday, October 5, 2007

The Weekend!

It's the weekend again. YAY!!! And here I sit wondering what to bake....uummm!!!

Some type of scone, of course. Let's see sweet or savory. Scones do not have to be sweet. They can also be savory. Cheeses. Herbs. Uh Uh. Herb de Provence. I am going to have to try that. Meanwhile, I did make just some basic scones this week.

Basic Scones.

2 cups AP flour
1 T baking powder
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 t salt
3 T butter
1 egg, beaten
3/4 cup milk, approx.

Mix the dry. Cut in the butter until mixture resembles course crumbs. Stir in the egg. (This would be a good time to add additional ingredients - nuts, berries, chips, etc.). Gradually add milk until a thick dough is formed. Roll out the dough to 3/4 " thickness and cut into rounds or wedges. Bake 450 degrees for 10 - 15 minutes until golden brown. 12 - 16 scones.

For variations, add:

3/4 cup nuts, 1/2 cup raisins, cranberries, or other dried fruit, 1/2 cup choco chips, 2 T pumpkin pie spice.
